The Right Remedy Campaign | Roberutsu

The Right Remedy


[Note: This campaign was further developed and released across Western Canada and select regions in the U.S. Read all about it here.]

Do Bugs Need Drugs (DBND) has been raising awareness about responsible use of antibiotics and proper hand-washing through its community educational programs since 1998. In addition to audience-specific education programs, the organization’s Children’s Initiative targets children and their parents through children’s festivals, children’s magazines, parenting magazines and children’s websites. Fun, family-oriented messaging campaigns were successful in continuing awareness for their cause.

Due to the increase of antibiotic resistance cases over the years, a serious tonal shift in their 2011 messaging campaign targeted to the general public through Television, Radio and Public Transit advertisements was found to be less effective through focus groups, leading DBND to explore alternative approaches. My team was approached to develop a new campaign aimed at parents and guardians. After much research, many pitches and iterations, we found an approach that was best suited in appealing to our primary target audience of mothers. Our awareness campaign was designed to deliver a serious message with a softer voice. Headlining double-meaning questions led to online engagement and content sharing through a Facebook campaign. Leveraging its viral potential, we developed a series of get-well cards with bits of information for parents to share with their networks. The campaign can be extended to other social platforms, and can be further customized to target different audiences, ensuring future messaging opportunities for DBND.

Role: Project Management, Production, Art Direction, Content

Client Services: Larissa Hsia-Wilcock
Research: Mehdi Nowroozi
Art Direction: Larissa Hsia-Wilcock
Animation: Simba Sim & Mehdi Nowroozi
Narration: Larissa Hsia-Wilcock
Sound Design: Simba Sim
Copywriting: Mehdi Nowroozi
Content Writing: Larissa Hsia-Wilcock,
Production Assistance: Mehdi Nowroozi

Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects, Basecamp
Date: 2012

15 sec. TV Spots

Online Campaign


Outdoor Campaign


Right Remedy Prescription Pad


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